Passing the Torch


Lily Grohoviak

Photo from last months junior retreat at Whispering Winds. Photo of Nicole Moore (left) and Cassidy Smith (right), both lead Junior retreat.

Whispering Winds is a tranquil and serene retreat center located in the mountains of Southern California. The retreat center is known for its serene beauty, welcoming environment, and its capacity to host a variety of events. One of the most important events that Whispering Winds hosts is the Cathedral Catholic junior retreat. This is a retreat where juniors are able to come together and spend time learning, growing, and building meaningful relationships. In this article, we will explore the reasons why a senior should lead a junior retreat at Whispering Winds.

First and foremost, seniors have valuable experiences that can be shared with juniors. Seniors have been through many of the same challenges that juniors are currently facing. They have already navigated the complexities of high school life, including dealing with social dynamics, academic pressures, and extracurricular activities. Seniors have also likely faced personal challenges such as navigating romantic relationships, dealing with difficult family dynamics, and figuring out their future plans. All of these experiences provide seniors with a wealth of knowledge and insight that can be shared with juniors.

Secondly, seniors are in a unique position to act as role models for juniors. As leaders of the school community, seniors have the ability to set a positive example for younger students. This is particularly important in the context of a retreat, where students are often looking for guidance and inspiration. By leading a retreat, seniors have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership, kindness, and empathy to juniors. They can model healthy habits such as self-care, time management, and communication skills. By seeing these positive behaviors in action, juniors can be inspired to adopt similar habits and attitudes in their own lives.

Thirdly, seniors can help juniors to build meaningful relationships. Junior retreats are often designed to foster connections between students who may not have interacted much before. Seniors can play a crucial role in facilitating these connections by creating a welcoming and inclusive environment. They can lead icebreaker activities, facilitate group discussions, and encourage students to participate in team-building exercises. By doing so, seniors can help juniors to feel more comfortable and confident in their interactions with others. This can lead to the development of lasting friendships and support networks that can be invaluable throughout high school and beyond.

Fourthly, seniors can help juniors to develop important life skills. Retreats are often designed to provide students with opportunities for personal growth and development. Seniors can help to facilitate this growth by sharing their own experiences and offering advice on topics such as time management, stress management, and goal-setting. They can also provide juniors with opportunities to practice skills such as public speaking, teamwork, and problem-solving. By providing these opportunities, seniors can help juniors to build the skills and confidence that they will need to succeed both in high school and beyond.

Finally, leading a junior retreat at Whispering Winds can be an incredibly rewarding experience for seniors themselves. By taking on a leadership role, seniors can gain valuable experience in planning and organizing events, facilitating group discussions, and managing interpersonal dynamics. They can also develop their own communication and leadership skills. Additionally, leading a retreat can be a chance for seniors to reflect on their own experiences and personal growth throughout high school. By sharing their own stories and insights with juniors, seniors can gain a deeper understanding of their own journey and the lessons that they have learned along the way.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why a senior should lead a junior retreat at Whispering Winds. Seniors have valuable experience and insights to share, can act as positive role models for juniors, can help to build meaningful relationships, can facilitate the development of important life skills, and can gain valuable experience and personal growth themselves.

Juniors, there is no doubt that you will not regret leading a retreat your senior year. Stay tuned on when to sign up next year and have fun!