Title 42

LA Times

Many immigrants wait at the U.S. – Mexico border after the expiration of Title 42. Migrants are taking the opportunity to leave their home country and find better opportunities in the U.S.

Title 42 was an emergency health authority, based on the prosperity of preventing further spread of COVID-19 throughout the U.S. and Mexico border, and would allow the authorities to turn away immigrants.

When Title 42 policy was enforced, during the COVID-19 pandemic, “migrants encountered under Title 42 have been either returned to their home countries or sent back to Mexico. Under the policy, authorities have expelled migrants at the U.S. – Mexico borders more than 2.8 million times since the policy began”, stated Catherine E. Shoichet.

As stated by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), they have stated that the pandemic officially ended on May 11, 2023. So what is now going to happen when immigrants are now freely and illegally able to cross the border?

First thing that comes to mind could be the possible disaster they could bring, not saying all immigrants are bad but the world is harsh enough to make it half. These immigrants could possibly be smuggling drugs across the border as well as falling under the risk of human trafficking and assault. It can also lead to high risks of robberies especially with what the immigrants are in need of.

However, crossing the U.S – Mexico border legally does come with its benefits. Those who cross are given new opportunities to create a better life for themselves and their families. With the end of Title 42 the U.S government is allowing “many migrants — particularly asylum seekers and families with children — are related into the U.S. with court notices or instructions to check in with immigration officials. While they don’t have legal status, they are allowed by the government to live in the U.S. while an immigration judge decides whether they qualify to stay or should be deported — a process that can take years”, stated Aimme Picchi.

This gives migrants time to find hope, and build a better life for themselves. Migrants who cross the border flee their home country because they are looking for protection, and they are looking to improve their economic situation. Though there are some migrants who have another agenda as to why they are leaving their home country, the majority deserve to seek a new chance to better their lives. Therefore, this new system developed by the U.S. government is beneficial for migrants who had a hard time trying to obtain legal citizenship.

The new system allows migrants to stay in the U.S. until the judge decides if they can stay, or not. When in America, immigrants are given the chance to find jobs and establish a stable living. According to the Aspen Institute, “in the United States today, roughly 25 million workers, over 16 percent of all workers, are foreign-born. Immigrant workers contribute skills, knowledge and labor to the U.S. economy through employment in a diversity of sectors, including hospitality, constriction, information technology, health care, and others”. Even though some may disagree with the migration of immigrants to the U.S, they are given a second chance to make a better life for themselves, and in return, our country is benefiting from the work that they do.

So then what is the future for those children that are first generation and actually have an opportunity of a lifetime to achieve something great? Majority of first generation are able to attend public school, and gain an education, and then possibly thanks to the scholarships offered, are then able to attend a college or university. Obviously that depends on their financial situation, but the majority of those first generation students take each and every opportunity offered to achieve their goals.

What are the goals though? The American Dream? Perhaps yes, because there is a pretty high majority of people who want to be successful, to be able to live a life of luxury. But yet the question comes to, is it achievable or not? In some cases yes and no, and how is it possible, there is no specific answer to that, except finding a passion that you can drive out to become your future.

Coming to a conclusion, are immigrants good or bad to have? If done legally to achieve citizenship in the nation it is perfectly fine, but because of it being so difficult to achieve, it is done so for a reason. Since if a mass number of immigrants swarm into the country it would erase any possible job opportunities for those already living in the nation. And would potentially have high risks of criminal activity due to the high flow of immigrants.