Suka Falo: The Unsung Hero of Cathedral

I’ve asked myself numerous times over the past 4 years this same question over and over. What truly makes somebody a Don? Over time, I’ve found that it means to have a true love for this school, to put others before yourself, to do your very best to honor and help the Dons Community in any way possible, and lastly to inspire those around you to be better men and women living a Christ-like life.

Throughout these past 4 years I have met many people who truly embody what it means to be a Don and an integral part of the Dons Community. Whether it be teachers, administrators, students, or staff there are many people who have gotten the praise that they deserve over these past 4 years while I have been here. There has however been one sort of unsung hero who I felt needed to be recognized for his impact on the community.

That man is none other than Suka Falo. Many know him as a leader of the facilities team here on campus, but he is so much more than just that. Nothing at this school would be nearly as amazing as it is without all of his work. Suka truly embodies what it means to be a Don. He is a role model to so many of us here on campus and has shown kindness and love to everybody that he comes in contact with. Whether it is just a smile, a wave, or stopping and having a conversation with you, Suka always makes time for everybody no matter how busy he is. Whenever you are having a bad day or even just need to see a friendly face, you can always count on Suka.

When asking people around campus who Suka is and what he means to them, the feedback truly showed how loved he is. Mrs. Rhodes, our ASB Teacher, had fantastic things to say about Suka. “Suka Falo is our fearless leader of the night crew, although you find him here at all hours of the day doing everything it takes to keep us Dons up and running. He bleeds red and gold, supports every aspect of our community to inspire CC pride, school spirit, safety, cleanliness and working facilities. Our campus would not be the same without Suka’s care.” It is easy to see how much of an impact and truly how much of a Don through and through Suka is.

He doesn’t just have an impact on the teachers and the staff though, he has an immense impact on the students at Cathedral. When talking to just about any athlete on campus, they know exactly who Suka Falo is and always have something positive to say about him. One student that felt this way was Niko Valero ‘23 and what he had to say about Suka truly showed how much Suka cared and did for our students, but especially student athletes. “Uncle Suka, the unsung hero of our school and a passionate advocate for our athletics, especially football. As a dedicated facilities worker, he not only ensures that our school operates smoothly behind the scenes, but also goes above and beyond to support our athletes, ensuring that the fields are in impeccable condition and the facilities are always ready for a game day, fostering a thriving sports culture in our school.” Our sporting events would not be possible without everything that Suka does for every single one of our teams. And as Niko said here, many around the community call him “Uncle Suka.” He has that big of an impact on so many of us around the Cathedral Community that we see him as family. Suka is so much more than just a staff member here at Cathedral Catholic.

You don’t have to have been at Cathedral for very long to feel and experience the impact that Suka has either. Abe Rhodes ‘23 joined the Dons Community in his Junior year, but could not speak more highly of Suka. Abe said that “Suka is the embodiment of what it means to be a part of the Cathedral Community, always putting others before themselves. He is such an integral part of why Cathedral Culture is the way that it is.”

All in all, Suka Falo is one of the most hardworking, down to earth, caring, kind, and amazing people that you will ever meet. There is nobody better to be helping to lead our Facilities Team here at Cathedral Catholic than him. When trying to find somebody that truly embodies what it means to be a Don, look no further. Suka Falo is a role model to me and so many others here on campus, and speaking on behalf of the Dons Community we could not be more grateful for all that he does for us. Thank you Uncle Suka.