Flipping Back into Style
Flip phones have been around since the late 90s. Now, teens are bringing this “vintage” technology back in order to disconnect from the toxic digital world of smartphones.
This month, flip phones are making a comeback with younger generations in order to detach themselves from smartphones and reconnect face-to-face with others.
Today, one of the biggest issues that younger generations face is their addiction to their phones. Many teens and young adults rely heavily on their phones. In order to break away from their phones, many teens are disconnecting from their smartphones and reconnecting to flip phones.
One of humanity’s biggest problems that sparked during this decade is an addiction to smartphones. Today, it is normal to see humans glued to their phones. The addiction is linked to many social media platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Tik Tok.
Carolyn Quincey tells UNC Healthcare, “For children, they are learning early in life to engage in passive activities instead of being actively engaged, which can become a habit as they grow older.”
It is a known fact that addictions to phones lead to many mental problems such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Also, addictions to smartphones at a young age affects the way they develop socially. Now, many teens lack face-to-face communication. Teenagers’ brains are still developing. Face-to-face interactions between people are so important in order to grow socially. They rely heavily on communication through texts versus communication in person. Having phones so close at all times leads to everyone always reaching for them.
Mr. Stanislaus, a Cathedral Catholic Counselor says, “The negatives of phones is that phones have become a crutch when they feel uncomfortable. Any time a student is bored they grab their phone, Some students rather sit by themselves with their phone than socialize with others.”
Phones have become a norm in our everyday lives. Teens see phones as a way to stay in touch with others constantly. Yet, this is also very unfavorable for teens. They are constantly looking at what others are doing on social media. This could lead to the way they see themselves and their relationship with others in a negative way.
Sophia Bellezo, a CCHS Student shares, “Through my phone, I am connected to everyone and can be updated on people’s life constantly. Sometimes, it does cause me to overthink, worry, or stress about myself or others and what they are doing.”
It is very rare to find someone who does not have social media. It is even more rare to find someone without a smartphone. Now, this rarity will soon become a norm in the twenty-first century due to a college student sharing her experiences with this “vintage” technology.
Due to all the negatives of smartphones, many teens and young adults are trying to come up with a way to totally disconnect. Ironically, flip phones made a comeback on Tik Tok. One college student, Sammy Palazzolo (@skzzolono on tik tok) posted a Tik Tok about the perks of owning a flip phone. She states in the Tik Tok how all her friends own one now. When they go out, they leave all their smartphones at home and take their flip phones with them to go out.
https://stockx.com/new-balance-550-vintage-indigo-beigeIn an interview with CNN Palazzolo said, “It eliminates all the bad things about college and brings all of the good things about a phone, which is connecting with people and taking photos and videos. The photos and videos on this are fire.” She explains, “our reliance on smartphones could have a negative effect on young users, and trading them for a simpler flip phone when going out with friends leads to a better and less stressful night.”
Phones are always a distraction no matter where or what anyone is doing. Through flip phones, the user can now disconnect from all the bad that comes with the smartphone and truly live in the moment.
Currently, the hashtag, #bringbackflipphones is trending on TikTok. The trend is rapidly spreading due to teens being influenced by other teens.
Along with teens on TikTok, many famous pop stars are also hoping for this new trend. Singer Camilla Cabello posted a tweet stating “I am team flip phone revolution. Maybe I can write the theme song guys.”
Dove Cameron, a well-known singer and actress, told CNN in an interview that she made the switch to a flip phone. She did this in order to disconnect herself from all social media. She also said that like many others, she spends too much time on her phone which she states “is really bad for me.”
What makes this new, up-and-coming trend so much better is that flip phones are very affordable. The prices range from $20 to $50 for a new flip phone depending on how “modern” the user wants it to be.
Flip phones are a great way to disconnect from the toxic digital world of smartphones. The user can still stay connected with friends and family but be disconnected enough that it does not affect their mental health. Eventually, flip phones will be seen all over, just like in the late 90s and early 2000s.

Hi, I am Isabella Durazo and I am the Culture Beat Editor. I am very passionate about journalism and writing! I would like to make my passion...
Lourdes P. Leon • Feb 24, 2023 at 3:22 PM
Excellent article.