Sunrise to Sunset
A sunrise resembles the beginning and a sunset resembles the end. Senior year is similar to a sunrise and sunset so let’s start a new tradition at CCHS!
A sunrise holds a new promise and opportunity for the upcoming day. A sunset resembles the end of something beautiful. It also holds the idea that a fresh start is coming soon.
Most people think of senior year as a year full of memories as we hold onto our last year together. Senior year forces us to remember the importance of being kind and inclusive to everyone. It is a pattern at Cathedral Catholic High School that, when a class reaches senior year, they recognize the bond they want to create with their class.
In an interview with senior Blake Behmer, he informs ElCid on his opinion on senior year; “Senior year has been a time of reflection and celebration. As we approach the end of our high school journey, we have been more mindful of making the most out of our remaining time together. We have created lasting memories through senior traditions, senior trips, and other special events. This has brought us closer as we have cherished these moments and bonded over our shared excitement and anticipation for the future. Senior year has brought my classmates and me closer together, creating lasting friendships and memories that I will cherish for years to come.”
Building a sense of community is vital for any group, especially for high school seniors. After spending four years together, the senior class will be leaving. As they are faced with this new chapter in their lives, it’s important to provide many occasions where they can build the community CCHS says they will always be able to lean on. Hosting a senior sunrise and sunset is one way to do this.
A senior sunrise is an event that typically takes place at the beginning of the school year and a senior sunset takes place at the end of the school year. It’s an opportunity for seniors to gather together to watch the sunrise and sunset, enjoy each other’s company, bond, and reflect.
Having CCHS host a senior sunrise and sunset would resemble the start of our high school experience and the end. It is also a senior bonding event that every senior would love to be a part of. Many schools around the US take part in this tradition so why can’t CCHS?
When talking with an ASB senior, Sienna Kotsay, she mentions how she would love to help plan the senior sunset for the class of ‘23 with other ASB members. She also believes that younger ASB members would be willing to keep the tradition alive.
Seniors are going through an awakening. We are becoming aware that we will be leaving soon. Whether we are going to school in New York or San Diego, or we aren’t going to college, we are moving on into adulthood. Our new life of being responsible for ourselves is beginning.
Let’s add this senior bonding event to the CCHS calendar to grow the senior community and remind us all that CCHS is a place we can always lean back on.
Dana chrastek • Apr 21, 2023 at 9:23 AM
We are very proud of you. ???
Your granpatents.