How to Destress from College Apps
Applying to college is a stressful time for many seniors. We need to work together to remain sane this fall and winter!
Although I turned in some of my applications early back in October, I, and many other seniors, are still working on our regular decision college applications. I cannot tell you how many younger students and family have asked me where I am going to college, I haven’t even heard back from most of them!
It has been a stressful time for seniors, and will continue to be so until January 1st. Here are some helpful tips to destress.
One of the things I have been doing with all my supplements is organizing what I have done vs what I need to do. By organizing all of my essays on one google doc with the prompts, I can see all I have written and what I can recycle for more essays. Another important thing to organize is your time. Set a goal each week to write a new essay or research a new school. Organizing what you need to do is a good way to split up the mountain of work that piles up and makes it more digestible.
Taking Breaks
If you have a long day ahead of working on college apps then try to split up your time to not be overwhelmed. What I typically do is 20 on 10 off, where I work for 20 minutes then take a break for 10 minutes. Doing it this way is a great way to take a break, yet not lose momentum. Without breaks, you will become overwhelmed and quit but if you take too long of a break then you will lose steam.
Ask for help
Asking for help is an important skill to learn. Throughout our lives we will always need to ask for help, and college apps are an important time to do so. We have form after form and essay after essay to write, there is no shame asking someone to proof read an essay or help you review a form.

Whenever there is a big new story, whether on campus or off, you’ll find Neve Walker at the heart of it. Neve is a senior at Cathedral, and in her second...