Air Conditioning in the Gym

Matthew Korniczky ’24.

Speaking into the microphone, Ms. Wells dismisses everyone out of the gym by class, at the end of our second all school Mass on Tuesday, August 30th.

During the weeks of August 29th-September 11th, California experienced its hottest heat wave. Our gym doesn’t have an air conditioning system, so opening the doors and placing big fans have been used to control the climate.

However, this wasn’t enough to keep a comfortable climate inside during Mass on August 30th. Everyone inside was hot and uncomfortable, and the fans, that are supposed to solve the problem, aren’t helping.

Not only is the heat affecting everyone during Mass, but athletes and visitors as well. During volleyball and basketball games, players from other schools, families, coaches, and our players are all inside the gym. The heat can make a significant impact on everyone’s health in this case.

The lack of air ventilation can increase the risk of fainting and dehydration for everyone inside, especially the athletes. This can be dangerous and scary; therefore, adding a proper AC system inside the gym will keep everyone on campus comfortable and safe.

In an interview with Lucy Miller ‘25, she shared that “having air conditioning in the gym is a necessity especially with the amount of people in the gym. The method our school is using for air ventilation is embarrassing because it’s not enough”. Miller’s thoughts on the heatwave is that “it really sucks and we need to work together to deal with it even if some sacrifices must be made”.

The heat inside the gym affects all faculty, students, and athletes; therefore, finding a solution to this problem will benefit everyone on campus.