2021 G20 Rome Summit
Fabio Cimaglia/IPP/Bloomberg © 2021 BLOOMBERG FINANCE LP
Mario Draghi, Italy’s prime minister, center, with world leaders during the official family photo session at the Group of 20 (G-20) summit in Rome, Italy, on Saturday, Oct. 30, 2021. The G-20 is meeting in Rome this weekend right before COP26 in Glasgow, the United Nations gathering that aims to set specific goals to wean nations off coal and other noxious substances for good.
From October 30th to October 31st, the 2021 G20 Rome Summit occurred, with world leaders from around the world meeting to discuss economic issues.
The world leaders included countries from The Group of Twenty, which consists of the top 20 countries with the largest economies.
Previous summits have occurred to mention the 2008 financial crisis, how to respond to the Syrian Civil War, and the Iranian nuclear program.
Previous United States President Donald Trump clashed with other members of the summit when discussing trade, climate and migration policy. Current President Joe Biden has mended these relationships and has recommitted the United States to multilateral cooperation.
The agenda for this summit was the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. The summit kicked off with an endorsement of a universal minimal tax for large corporations trying to get out of paying taxes for a landmark agreement.
“We reached a historic agreement for a fairer and more equitable tax system,” Prime Minister Mario Draghi of Italy said in about this new agreement.
Along with the landmark agreement, Biden was also successful in suggesting that nuclear talks with Iran continue.
Protesting occurred during the summit, calling for urgent action to help solve climate change.
Biden promised to donate 1 billion doses of the vaccine to sub-saharan countries, who, according to Airfinity, a science analytics company, are receiving 15 less doses per capita than G20 countries.
Although Chinese President Xi Jingping was not in attendance, because of COVID-19 concerns, Biden has met with him recently to discuss trade, and de-escalating tensions set by former president Trump.

Whenever there is a big new story, whether on campus or off, you’ll find Neve Walker at the heart of it. Neve is a senior at Cathedral, and in her second...