El Cid 12/15/05 – Second Cathedral Catholic HS Edition of the El Cid

December 20, 2014
While the pristine new campus of Cathedral Catholic High School seemed all fine and dandy, with the various buildings given names of saints and the entire campus blessed on Saint Therese’s feast day, students were repulsed by the fact that the athletic facilities, particularly the field, was not being taken care of. Ashley Simmons, a field hockey player, said, “It’s really embarrassing that kids from other schools have to cross this gross mud when they come to play our teams.” Often shared by various sports teams including the varsity and J.V. field hockey teams, the cross country teams, the freshman football team, and the baseball team, practices were cramped and chaotic.
The “Grassy Knoll” name, which became a historic term after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated – many witnesses had heard shots coming from a “Grassy Knoll” – brought up a lot of controversy within the student body, motivating the senior president to write a letter to the El Cid Editorial. “I know the ASB and other students are not stomping on the president’s death. It is a name. It is not a Diss,” AJ David said. “If it’s that hard to deal with, then come meet with the ASB for new ideas.”
Meanwhile, after the California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger placed a ban on carbonated soda in state high schools, the administration, while not bound to do so by law, decided to replace sodas in vending machines with “healthier alternatives.”
At school, zero period was introduced, with Religion classes for juniors and seniors and Weight Training for all grades.
Juniors returned from retreat spiritually rejuvenated, and CCHS’s first drama production, Noises Off, finished with a blast.
Seniors who came from Uni, while forced to give up their old polos for new ones, stayed as close knit as ever, although senior privileges were revoked, creating a rift between the administration and the students.
Ms. Melissa Padgett becomes a full time teacher teaching World Cultures and U.S. History and coaching J.V. girls basketball.
In a surprising move, paper towel dispensers were removed in bathrooms and replaced with air dryers.
Here’s the Link: El Cid 12/15/05