Max Paris
Well Dons, it’s a new year, a new you. What are you hoping to accomplish this year? Maybe you would like to reach out to your community, but you don’t know how? Well, director of Christian service, Ms. Dawn Brannman, can help you out.
Every year students must complete twenty service hours, and ten of those must be Christian service hours. Last Thursday Cathedral Catholic students received an email from Ms. Brannman informing them about an upcoming Christian service opportunity in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is this Monday. Students can sign up at the link provided at the end of this article and pick up a bag filled with food and other necessities on Friday in Ms Brannman’s room.
The cost of the bag is three dollars, and students must decorate the bag in addition to the items already included and then write a note addressed to the homeless person it will be given to over MLK weekend. After the student has given away a bag, s/he will write a reflection on the experience and turn it in to the blog that was provided in the email. Students will be given two Christian service hours for completing this task.
Sign up here.