Coping with Coronavirus at Cathedral Catholic
Students are learning how to cope with their new, pandemic-era lives. While being conscious of social distancing, they strive for normalcy in their day-to-day routines.
June 3, 2020
It is not surprising to see current high school students with increased anxiety during this pandemic. Xander Stowe ‘21 struggles with his anxiety while quarantined and tries to find expressional outlets to help him cope.
“With everything going on I feel very anxious and uncertain about what’s going to happen and the looming questions of if and when everything will return to normal still remains,” Stowe said. “Driving around and taking pictures of nature in bloom as well as the ghost-towns that once-vibrant cities and towns have become and editing them has been a form of catharsis for me.
“Instead of obsessing over the current state of things, I am able to focus on editing a picture that captures the perfect essence of these times.”
Two months into quarantine, there has been an improvement in high school students’ mental health because the effects surrounding COVID-19 have become normal. With summer around the corner, students are pushing through to complete their academic school year strong. Sofia Bernitt ‘22, who had her cheer season cut short, attempts to keep her head up by calling her friends more than usual and baking.
“Spending time with my family and calling my friends has definitely helped me keep my sanity,” Bernitt said. “Since cheer was canceled, I have been going on runs around my neighborhood, baking for my family has become a big part of my daily routine as well as scheduling and planning my week of school work which keeps me both motivated and busy.”
Cathedral Catholic High School students do not have their usual outlets to cope with stress and anxiety such as hanging out with friends or sports as they remain quarantined at home due to the current global pandemic. Due to this, students have attempted to find new ways to cope. Dante Leonardi ‘20, struggles to focus on school work but is gaining mental clarity as he drives, works, and cooks to get his mind off of the tragic end of his senior year.
“Not gonna lie, I have been slacking a little bit with my school work. But, I’ve been trying to finish all my work early in the week and change my bad habits,” Leonardi said. “Other than work which keeps me busy for most of the day and gets me out of the house, I go for drives by the beach every now and then. I have been running a few miles a week along with at-home floor workouts.
“I definitely have been cooking a lot more, I enjoy making pancakes and eggs in the morning and sometimes switch it up to sausage and rice.”
As the heart-wrenching reality set in among students when CCHS administration announced that school was going online on March 13, the class of 2020’s events being canceled have taken a toll on the senior class. Though many have learned to see the finish line and remain hopeful for their Fall semester.
“I can’t wait to go to college in the Fall, that’s one thing I’m really looking forward to,” Leonardi said. “I never realized how fun school was seeing all my friends and teachers until it all just ended so fast.”