Week in Pictures October 22, 2018 – October 26, 2018
October 30, 2018
After a week packed with fun-filled events, including the sophomore retreats, Red Ribbon Week, and Trunk-or-Treat, Cathedral Catholic High School students experienced tons of fun to offset their rigorous academic loads. Sophomore boys and girls grew closer to their classmates and God at their annual retreat, providing them the chance to escape the stress of school, athletics, and college admissions. Red Ribbon Week speakers and activities educated students about the dangers of drugs and provided students with safe alternatives to dangerous decisions. Trunk-or-Treat offered families the chance to build community while visiting cars decorated by school clubs and sport teams.
Jalen Dye ‘19 and Mrs. Sara Rhodes compete in the students- teachers freeze football game on Thursday during Red Ribbon Week. The students defeated the teachers 21-7.