A taste of a Dons life
The CCHS Mance team performs at Dons’ Day, entertaining the crowd of eighth graders sitting excitedly in the bleachers.
October 21, 2016
For Stella Maris Academy eighth grader Nathan Barno, there are few school-related events as certain as pending midterm exams, shelter-in-place drills, and Saturday detention.
You now can add attending Cathedral Catholic High School to the list.
“I already liked Cathedral a lot more than the other schools I had visited,” Barno said. “But when I saw some of the classes and sports at Cathedral, it made me want to go there even more than before.”
Barno joined eighth graders from San Diego county Catholic elementary schools as they were given a taste of high school life at CCHS last week at the annual CCHS Dons’ Day. At a time when parochial school attendance is declining across the nation, events like Dons” Day are vital to the continued existence of the school.
“Our goal was to help the eighth graders get excited to become Dons,” ASB Commissioner of Activities Kiki Carney ’18 said. “We wanted to show them Cathedral’s school spirit.”
The soon-to-be-high-schoolers started off their day in the Claver Center, where football Head Coach Sean Doyle extended a warm welcome, and Father Mike Ortiz led the attendees in prayer.
After being dismissed from the Claver Center, the Ambassadors for Christ and Campus Ministry Outreach students led groups of eighth graders around campus, teaching them the basics of CCHS life.
“We made a great effort to reach out to the kids who will potentially attend Cathedral,” CCHS Principal Mr. Kevin Calkins said. “We wanted to make Dons’ Day a positive experience for them.”
The ASB welcomed the eighth graders back into the Claver Center where Mr. Calkins introduced himself and welcomed the incoming high schoolers. Following Mr. Calkins’ speech, the cheer, dance, and mance teams performed, and ASB hosted various activities for the eighth graders.
To wrap up the events of Dons’ Day, ASB Commissioners of Activities Ryan Maestre ’17 and Carney taught the crowd a longstanding tradition: the “Our House” cheer.
Of course, Barno already feels at home.