Cathedral hosts leaders of the future
Jaxon Elsner and Megan Wagner of St. Patrick’s in Carslbad receive their leadership awards.
January 15, 2016
Representing thirty-nine San Diego Catholic elementary and junior high schools, seventy-six eighth graders attended a leadership luncheon Wednesday hosted by CCHS in the Claver Center at which they were recognized for demonstrating excellent leadership skills and behavior at their respective schools.
“We found out we were getting our awards in early December,” St. Charles Borromeo Academy student Callie Keating ’20 said. “I’m happy I received this award because not many people were chosen as recipients, and my teacher was just diagnosed with breast cancer, so I feel like I earned this for her by being the best I could be.”
At a time when leadership is much needed throughout the world, the leadership award recipients assure everyone through diplomatic behavior that the world is heading in the right direction.
With the exception of St. Patrick’s Catholic Parish in San Diego and St. Kieren Catholic School in El Cajon, two students were represented from each school. Parents, teachers, and principals also attended the event, and thirty-six tables were set up for seating.
“Students are selected as recipients for the award by his or her teacher or principal,” CCHS secretary Mrs. Cindy Moses said. “There are two possible awards students can receive: the Mrs. Adrienne Ward Award and the Father Leo Lanphier Award.”
The awards are named after teachers who taught at the University of San Diego High School. Mrs. Ward was a teacher and administrator who taught from 1975 until her death in 1988, and Father Lanphier taught from 1957 until his death in 1986.
At this time, no scholarships are associated with the awards.
CCHS Principal Mr. Kevin Calkins initiated the event by giving an introductory speech, which was followed by a blessing offered by Fr. Martin Latiff and a welcome speech delivered by ASB President Matthew Elliott. Director of Schools Mr. John Galvin offered words of wisdom and congratulations to the recipients, and he and Mr. Laaperi presented the awards while Ms. Mauro read the recipients’ names. Ms. Mauro and Mr. Laaperi both gave ending remarks after all the awards were presented.
“Thank you to the principals and teachers for their nominations and participation,” Ms. Mauro. “I would again like to congratulate all these fine leaders. Thank you to the parents here as well for encouraging those leadership skills in your children.”
Students do not have to attend CCHS next year in order to earn a leadership award, but some students who will be attending were present at the ceremony.
“Im really excited about coming to Cathedral next year,” The Nativity School student Frankie Loretta ’20 said. “I have a lot of friends who already go to Cathedral or who are going to Cathedral next year and I’m looking forward to playing freshman football. I’ve heard great things about Cathedral and all the sports that are offered. It’s really exciting to get a leadership award from the school I’m going to and I’m glad all my hard work was acknowledged. It’s an honor to have this award.”