The time of year is fast approaching when Cathedral Catholic students must select classes for next school year. Counselors will present PowerPoints to juniors, sophomores, and freshmen during their religion classes and also meet individually with the students to confirm class choices.
CCHS Counselor Mrs. Sharon Rubalcava commented on the different focuses for the different grade levels.
“With the juniors, there are more elective choices, but we want to encourage the hardest schedule that’s doable so that colleges will appreciate students’ choices. For the underclassmen, we meet more to outline the requirements.”
Cathedral’s registrar Mr. Sean Green hopes that students will come into their meetings with a positive attitude and be willing to involve parents in the selection process.
“I think students should come in excited and with pure anticipation. And they should be happy to include their parents in their decision-making because it completes the loop.”
Students are highly encouraged to come to their meetings prepared and fullly aware of the pre-requisites prior to the meeting. The registering process is online, so students must know their Aeries Gradebook login info when meeting with their counselors.
Mr. Green said, “I think it’s a good system. And this year, the counselors really want to emphasize the add-drop deadline, so students should make sure they make informed choices.”
The counselors hope that students understand that they are there to help guide them with their choices.
Mrs. Rubalcava said, “It’s important to have these meetings because we want to encourage the students to showcase their talents.”
Juniors meet March 2nd through 7th, sophomores meet March 16th through 21st, and freshmen meet March 30th through April 4th.