The Catholic Church and The (Potential) Future Saints
U.S Bishops are debating on nominating 3 women into sainthood, after reviewing their lives before death. This change would significantly impact youth of America as Mirshah Misirlioglu states how “Saints are a figure of role models and hope for me.”
The U.S Catholic Bishops are currently analyzing three American women and if they should be admitted into sainthood?
Around the country, people share a variety of opinions about the news. An interview was conducted analyzing how students’ daily lives are affected by saints here at Cathedral. Sophomore Mirshah Misirlioglu says, “For me, saints are a figure of hope and are role models for me. Not only in terms of spiritual life, but they give me motivation to be the best version of myself.” If the Bishops recognize this impact that saint figures have on the youth, they would surely be convinced of the urgency for saints.
Three women recognized as having “faith based lives” is an understatement for these women who fought the oppression constantly faced on a global level. The first woman, Cora Evans, had a variety of paranormal experiences throughout her life. From an apparition with Mary at just three years old, to experiencing the stigmata, having the ability to bilocate, and getting spoken to by Jesus Christ, Cora Evans has experienced an incomprehensible number of miracles. Originally a Mormon, Cora’s “mystical experiences” happened not only before, but after her baptism in 1935. On March 30th, 1957, Cora Evans passed away, just 22 years after her conversion to Catholicism, and after a life of experiencing unexplainable miracles.
The next woman, Michelle Duppong vowed to love a life of true dedication to God. From serving as a Catholic campus missionary to leading an adult faith formation group, Michelle believed that her purpose in this world was to serve God. Unfortunately, in 2014, Michelle discovered that she had stage 4 cancer and was given 2 months to live, she did however, surpass this expectation and lived one year past the diagnosis until Christmas Day at the age of 31. She wrote in a column that she was made to be a saint and it was her hope with God’s guidance. As of November 15th, the Baltimore Council is discussing this, Michelle Duppong’s wish for sainthood might actually come true!
Finally, Mother Margaret Mary Healy Murphy founded the first women religious order in Texas after completing her years of ministry towards the poor and oppressed of the world. Throughout her life, Margaret Mary funded construction for a free Catholic school for African Americans, so that they could experience and grow in their faith. During this school, Mary Margaret faced constant oppression and racial prejudice regarding her ministry. She died at the age of 74 in 1907, after growing her order to 2 postulants and 15 sisters.
During their upcoming fall general council, U.S Bishops will review the lives of these three women and their worthiness for sainthood. Cora Evans, Michelle Duppong, and Mother Margaret have, indeed, exemplified the attributes of a saint. For now, it is up so the U.S Catholic Bishops and their thoughts about the subject,

Hello, I am Elle Brennan and I am passionate about highlighting CCHS through journalism. I have been in Journalism since my sophomore year, I am currently...