Troy, where art thou?
Freshmen gather on the Knoll during lunch last week to form bonds and build friendships. Many freshmen struggle with the first weeks of school, but knowing a few survival tips can ease the transition.
September 27, 2017
While many Cathedral Catholic High School freshmen possess different perceptions of high school, they usually form those expectations by viewing movies such as High School Musical, which features students singing and dancing on lunch tables with seemingly no homework, jobs, or family issues.
In reality, however, high school is a place of new experiences and opportunities, which do not usually involve random singing.
More often than not, CCHS freshmen desperately need advice as they often wonder about the difficulty levels of courses and social aspects of their new school.
“They definitely need to get involved in whatever, whether that is clubs or tutoring,” CCHS counselor Mrs. Emily Cullen said. “[They] just [need to] try everything and anything and go from there!”
For freshmen, participation acts as the key to success in high school.
CCHS offers a plethora of opportunities for new students, including clubs, sports, and class officers. Additionally, a strong connection to the school community creates friendships with others, Cullen said.
For this reason, all upperclassmen remember their freshman year. Scared about starting a new school, many of them needed reassurance that everything would turn out great.
“Freshman year was nerve-wracking because it was a whole new experience for me, and I didn’t know anybody in my classes,” Linna Bravo ’18 said. “Once I got to know the students in my classes, I’ve made a ton of friends, and I’m happy to have them in my life.”
The class of 2021 has managed well so far, and are beginning to feel at home at CCHS.
“I’m adjusting fine and I’m getting the hang of my classes and teachers,” Alejandra Herrera said. “I have met a lot of people who are nice and who have helped me out.”
Although everyone feels afraid when entering high school, overcoming the fear can lead to many amazing experiences. A welcoming place, CCHS takes in students with open arms. This year’s freshman are no different.
Although students may not experience breaking into completely choreographed songs and dances in their daily lives at CCHS, high school can still be an exciting and thrilling place to spend four years.
After all, CCHS is not a high school musical.
erick garcia • Mar 14, 2022 at 8:53 PM
high school is truly not like high school musical