Seniors pick 10 pre-graduation bucket list activities
San Diego’s variety of beaches lures CCHS students with soft sand, scenic coasts and pumping waves.
February 8, 2016
For the Class of 2016, graduation is on the horizon, and time is running out. In the last few months of the school year, memories will be made and friendships will be cherished.
Here are the top 10 things the Class of 2016 has put on their bucket lists.
1. “Go on a road trip!”- Ally Bakan
Being with friends and family in a car for a long period of time is sure to create a bond that will last forever.
2. “Change my hair color.” – Cordelia Miracle
A physical change can symbolize a new beginning and new perspective.
3. “Go on a mission trip out of the country.” – Mimi Burbank
Getting to know the world around you is surely important as seniors begin to taste the reality of life on their own. Helping those in need is something Burbank has been taught during her time at CCHS as a Campus Minister, and as the “shoulder to lean” on around school.
4. “Skydiving.” – Kianna Shlemon
Soaring in the sky above the terrain is an adventure straight out of a movie. An endeavor like skydiving can be thought of as a symbol of jumping into adulthood – something definitely bucket list worthy.
5. “Fall down the stairs.” – Carly Bizzack
According to Bizzack, just about everyone takes a trip down the Cabrini stairs, the Drexel stairs, the Assisi stairs or even the DeSales stairs. Bizzack can’t imagine leaving Cathedral without experiencing a stumble on the stairs.
6. “Be in a play.” – Cora McClelland
Performing in one of Cathedral’s noteworthy drama productions is something McClelland feels every Don should experience. Those who join are privileged to work with some of the most vibrant and creative people on campus.
7. “Backpack around Europe.” – Emily Underwood
The various cultures throughout Europe, from Italy to Austria, are definitely a world of their own. From the cafés calling to hungry college students, to the ancient culture and art inspiring those searching for purpose in life, taking a trip around the world can help anyone find their calling.
8. “Go to a music festival with my friends.” – Andrea Peabody
Coachella and Stagecoach are the most popular festivals in the area, but why not try Tomorrowland in South America? Venture outside America and experience a true shift in culture.
9. “Win CIF for soccer.” – Bruno Esquivel
Currently, the varsity boys soccer team has a 7-5-2 overall record and 3-0-2 league record. They are hoping to continue their success in order to hold the CIF title before heading off to a college team.
10. “Go to the beach more.” – Emma Pedersen
Living in America’s finest city, one can find a surplus of beaches – from Silver Strand to Ocean Beach. Before taking off with a one-way ticket to college, why not try to experience more of what San Diego has to offer?