Brawns and brains await college life
CCHS senior Sarah Lackey ‘17 flaunts her Fighting Irish pride on a college visit to the University of Notre Dame.
April 12, 2017
With the last of college decisions finally coming out, Cathedral Catholic High School seniors like Mary Devaney ‘17 can finally rest easy as she begins planning for the next four years of her life.
“What I’m looking forward to most is getting to experience life for myself as a new adult and all of the adventures and memories to come,” Devaney, a future Bull at The State University of New York at Buffalo, said. “I’m so excited to see what college has in store for me.”
To Devaney, the idea of new curriculum, new people, and a new environment leaves nothing but sheer excitement – and slight anxiety – for the future.
CCHS student and Division One softball commit and future Colgate University Raider Olivia LaQua ‘17 is excited to see herself playing the field in New York as she works hard toward academic and athletic success.
“It feels so good to have your hard work pay off,” LaQua said. “Even though I kind of knew where I’ve wanted to go for a while, it feels like I can finally take a deep breath and focus on the influence Colgate will have on my future.”
After the long college application and following waiting process, CCHS seniors can empathize with both Devaney and LaQua. However, with the overwhelming excitement that comes with an acceptance letter also comes uncertainty and nervousness.
“I think the scariest part of moving so far away from home is dealing with homesickness,” Devaney said. “The transition from such a small private school in San Diego to a huge public university in New York is a little more than nerve wracking.”
The transition from high school to college, as Devaney predicted, won’t be an easy one. According to CCHS psychology teacher Mr. Frank Caro, studies have shown that there is a significant statistical decline in students’ average GPAs as they transition from high school to a four-year college.
But, as many counselors and teachers have said, there are multiple ways to remedy the stress of a changing academic and social environment.
“It’s all about control,” Mr. Caro said. “You have to figure out what you can control and what you can’t.
College is a time for you to discover yourself, so get to know your limits and be honest with yourself. Remember why you’re there and work hard toward the goals you set for yourself.”
With this in mind, CCHS seniors should always remember to keep academics and personal growth at the forefronts of their minds as they prepare for college. But what is the college experience without a little fun?
Universities and colleges all over the country offer countless clubs, programs, and Greek life, and many seniors are looking forward to taking advantage of these opportunities. CCHS student and future Anteater at the University of California, Irvine Dylan Gallego ‘17 fully intends to get involved with his school’s Greek life.
“I’m definitely going to join a fraternity,” Gallego said. “I wanna rush because I want to be a part of the full college experience and it’s an easy way to get myself out there and meet new people and create new relationships.”
Forging new relationships and putting oneself out into the world contributes to the college experience, and CCHS seniors anticipate fully immersing themselves in their new college world themselves.
As the two months leading to graduation slowly tick away, all seniors can think about is getting their first taste of life in college after spending their last summer with their high school friends. For some, this notion can be entirely too overwhelming.
With the onslaught of new academic material and the pressure to socialize on and off campus, it can be easy for students to lose sight and hope for the future. However, through the stress of the process comes an unforeseen hope.
“Yes, college can be stressful but, for me, it was also one of the best times of my life,” Mr. Caro said. “You’re going to come across bumpy roads, but it’s how you deal with those issues that make you a better person and I think that that’s a lesson you can take beyond the classroom.
These next four years you start to really understand who you are and that’s incredible.”