“Adopt a Student Art Piece” program helps empower young CCHS artists

Ms. Goyette's art class poses with some of their works of art

Ms. Goyette’s art class poses with some of their works of art

Mary Baker, Staff Writer

What do CCHS students have in common with famous artists whose works hang in the Getty Museum? Thanks to art teacher, Ms. Marianne Goyette, students have the unique opportunity to see their works of framed art on display around campus in classrooms and offices. This new “Adopt a Student Art Piece” program is geared to inspire and motivate budding student artists. Ms. Goyette said, “My hope is to transform the culture and attitude of the school and to empower my students.”

Ms. Goyette was initially inspired at her high school alma mater, Uni. “I have always loved art but became dedicated in high school after making friends with fellow student Andee Connors at Uni. He was in a few bands and played the drums. He told me that he thought I could make art for bands.” That vote of confidence and encouragement began a steady and long career in art for Ms. Goyette. “I teach art seven days a week to adults and children. Art is my hobby,” Ms. Goyette said.

After taking classes at UC Irvine and UCLA, Ms. Goyette realized she wanted to become a teacher and help students realize their potential with their artistic pursuits. Although this is Ms. Goyette’s first year at CCHS, she has been teaching everything from grade school to college art courses for fifteen years. “I enjoy spending time with my students. Their artwork is inspiring.”

Ms. Goyette believes that her students can successfully express themselves through their art, and that these expressions should be viewed and appreciated by others. 190 pieces of her students’ art can be viewed in all buildings of the school including Drexel, Cabrini, De Sales, Assisi, facilities, and the Kolbe Center. Each piece of art has an artist’s statement included.

Math teacher Cara Noerenberg said, “I love the art; it brings diversity to all of the math on the walls. I think it’s a great program, and I can’t wait to receive more art in the future.”

In her eighth month of teaching at Cathedral, Ms. Goyette says that her experience so far has been very positive. “I love this community of students, teachers and administration,” she said. “This loving community has helped shape my life profoundly, and I am eternally grateful.”