El Cid’s Guide to Tryouts

Lorenzo Aguilar, Staff Writer

With winter tryouts coming up, there are many sports you can tryout for this season. Some of the most popular choices are basketball and soccer, along with wrestling, rugby, fencing and roller hockey.

Students can tryout for whichever sport this year. Even though it is uncertain whether any student will make the team or not, the student can always try your hardest. According to veteran JV Basketball Player Junior Davis Gabriel, “Good ways to warm up is to get your pre-game music, hydrate, stretch and be ready to compete.”

Tryouts will take place at Claver Center, Manchester Stadium, and the Green Room at different times. Basketball tryouts will take place this Saturday, November 15th, Monday the 17th, and Tuesday the 18th. As for soccer, tryouts will take place at the football field, all week next week. The first three days of next week are reserved for girls’ soccer tryouts. Rugby tryouts will also be at the football field on Satudray the 15th from 9-12 in the morning. Wrestling tryouts will take place in the CCHS Green Room, Monday and Friday after school.

This year the Dons also did something different by adding a freshman soccer team. Junior soccer player Eddy Aiza said, “I like the idea because it gives more kids the opportunity to play.” Other sports that allow freshman to play on their own team are basketball and waterpolo.

All in all, if you’re thinking about trying out, give it a chance because you never know what opportunities will arise.

Tryouts Schedule

Basketball Boys:

November 15, Varsity and Jv (8:30-10:30) Freshman (10:30-12:00)

November 17, Varsity and Jv (6AM-7:40) Freshman (4:30-6)

November 18, Varsity and Jv (6AM-7:40) Freshman (2:30-4:10)

Basketball Girls:

November 15, Frosh and Jv (12:00-2:00) Varsity (2:00-4:00)

November 17, Frosh and Jv (6:00-7:30) Varsity (7:30-9:00)

November 18, Frosh and Jv (6:00-7:30) Varsity (7:30-9:00)

Girls Soccer:

November 17

6:30-7:30 am V/JV Returners ONLY – running shoes

1:30-2:30 pm V/JV Returners ONLY – cleats

2:30-3:30 pm New Players only – cleats

November 18

6:30-7:30 am New Players ONLY – running shoes – CCHS TURF

2:30-3:30 pm New Players ONLY – cleats – CCHS Lower

3:30-4:30 pm EVERYONE – cleats – CCHS Lower

November 19

2:30-4pm EVERYONE – cleats – CCHS Lower


Boys Soccer:

November 17th, 1:30-2:45pm FRESHMAN ONLY (LOWER FIELD/BASEBALL)

2:30-4pm Soph-Seniors (LOWER FIELD/BASEBALL)

November 18th, 2:30-3:45pm FRESHMAN ONLY (LOWER FIELD/BASEBALL)

3:30-5pm Soph-Seniors (LOWER FIELD/BASEBALL)

Novemebr 19th, 7-8:45pm Soph-Seniors.(TURF)

Freshman OFF except selected players who need to be looked at for JV/Varsity

November 20th, 2:30-3:45pm FRESHMAN ONLY (LOWER FIELD/BASEBALL)

3:30-5pm Soph-Seniors (LOWER FIELD/BASEBALL)

November 21st, 2:30-4pm (TURF)

Rugby Tryouts:

Saturday, November 15

9AM-12PM – Stadium

Wrestling Tryouts:

Monday, November 17-Friday, November 21

3PM – Green Room