When first scanning through the “Self Service” application on a student iPad, one may happen to come across an application called Neu.annotate, made by Neu.Pen LLC. This application, “app,” allows a person to mark on digital documents as if s/he were editing an actual, paper essay with free-hand pen.
Meant for curious students, the app is provided by the school for free and allows any student to download it and test it out. But, was this app really worth the trouble of downloading? Most people I have seen at CCHS beg to differ. Teachers such as Mrs. Sandy Blackstone-Gardner and Ms. Katie Linn agree that Notability is the better app.
Problems such as difficulty downloading or a sudden disappearance of the app have arisen. This has left students, like myself, at a disadvantage.
First of all, the unreliability takes away from the precious class time we have and instead focuses on issues that are irrelevant to our studies. These issues include taking up an entire class period to fix the glitchy app.
Secondly, it is annoying when something that is free doesn’t work! The Neu.Annotate app constantly malfunctions during and outside of class, making study time all the more difficult. Some students are even prevented from paying attention in class, due to the fact that they are focusing on the troubled software of Neu.Annotate while a lesson is being taught.
However, there is one app that has been found to be reliable. Notability, made by Ginger Labs, offers a fairly cheap price under a dollar and an even better guarantee of satisfaction. After speaking about and experiencing Notability in class with several students, it is fair to say this $0.99 purchase is well worth it.
All the common complaints for Neu.Annotate were no longer an issue with Notability. Students have begun to choose Notability over Neu.Annotate, making it so these once complaining students can relax and successfully study. Now, there is better class efficiency and less distracting app issues..