El Cid 11/9/73 – Homecoming, Twins, and Bombs – Oh My!

El Cid 11/9/73 - Homecoming, Twins, and Bombs -  Oh My!

LeeAnne Bates, Staff Writer

On the evening of October 19, 1973, the stunning Michele Wheelock was crowned homecoming queen. Although the ASB team lost a little bit of money in their panning for homecoming, the night turned out better than they expected. Spirits were high, and the night was festive.

Having multiple bomb-scares, it was nerve racking to have Uni’s third threat of the year on Halloween. Told the bomb was to be armed at 10:15, classes resumed only a few minutes after that time.

The cast and crew of Neil Simon’s hit play “Barefoot in the Park” worked hard through many obstacles to pull it off. Given that the cast did “a fantastic job” one might wish to see some exciting pictures. Sadly, pictures were not present for this article.

Interesting and unique, the El Cid of 1973 had a “mail box” where students could send small messages to the editor. This column-style page shows “mail”, miscellaneous quirky sentences sent to the editor and written by the students to entertain the readers of El Cid.

Trying to enjoy their short-but-exciting field trip, students from schools such as University, Our Lady of Peace, and Rosary sadly had their field trip to a ruined. Sitting in the back row of the theatre, some rowdy audience members ruined the entire movie for the rest of the audience with jeers and crude remarks.

Interestingly, there was an article concerning twins on the University campus. Seeing guys falling at their feet, the writer of this article had the opportunity to interview two female twins on their lives. The sincere and passionate twins were quite nice to the interviewer and made sure he was welcome in their home.

Here’s the Link: El Cid 10/9/73