Coronavirus changes exams

Jenna Crowley, Spiritual Life Editor

The College Board has modified exams used for the Advanced Placement program in light of coronavirus concerns, allowing students enrolled in AP courses to take an online, 45-minute exam at home.

In a statement from the Board’s website, a majority of students who chose these advanced courses remain eager to earn credit for the year.

“Students remain eager to take AP Exams and to have a chance to earn credit and placement,” the Board said Friday. “We surveyed 18,000 AP students and 91% indicated they want to complete this important step, urging us not to cancel this opportunity they have been working toward.”

According to the page, colleges have agreed to accept these scores to count for college credit, and the concept of allowing shortened exams due to emergencies is not new to universities.

“For decades, colleges have accepted a shortened AP Exam for college credit when groups of students have experienced emergencies,” the Board said. “Students will be able to take these streamlined exams on any device they have access to—computer, tablet, or smartphone. Taking a photo of handwritten work will also be an option.”

For some students, the switch to a shortened and online test raises concerns. While the structure of the new exam remains unknown until the Board makes an official statement, some students worry that such changes may impact their overall results depending on what kind of question formats are implemented.

“Stimulus questions are the death of me,” Kaitlyn Cavanaugh ‘22, who is enrolled in AP World History this year, said.  “I need the writing questions in order to save [my grade].”

The Board seeks to publish more information addressing exams and their structures April 3.