Course registration arrives

Katie Dittamore, Assistant Entertainment Editor

School counselors, helping students prepare for 2019-2020 course registration, have spent the past three weeks giving course registration presentations to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors in the Lecture Hall during English classes.

“Our presentations help CCHS students immensely,” counselor Mrs. Emily Cullen said. “Students learn about classes for next year, graduation, college admissions requirements, and balance.”

Compared to previous years, this year’s counselors allow more opportunities for one-on-one meetings to discuss best class options.

Students, after fillling out an online form of class preferences, will sit down at a scheduled meeting with their counselors to assure preparedness for the desired courses.

“[Course registration] even helps prepare students for independently choosing their own classes once they get to college, if that’s their path,” Mrs. Cullen said.