Workout restrictions
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The Kenko app is a workout tracker app focused on keeping track of workout sessions and progress.
April 1, 2020
Although Cathedral Catholic High School student athlete Gavin Nalu ’21 enjoys exercising in the newly renovated CCHS weight room, the COVID-19 pandemic and California’s stay-at-home orders have made this hobby an at-home task.
“While the school gym was the best place to get a workout in, I can still do a lot of exercises with a small space and weights,” Nalu said.
With the closures of local gyms and the CCHS weight room, students must compensate with the equipment and room at their houses.
A majority of CCHS students do not have exercise machines at their disposal, thus designing a new workout routine is imperative.
“You have to get a lot more creative with things when you workout from home,” Nalu said.
CCHS sports such as football continue its daily lifting and conditioning, but the team no longer meets in the CCHS weight room.
“Workouts haven’t been canceled, so we do them ourselves on our own now,” CCHS student-athlete Michael Ramirez ‘21 said.
With no coaches or trainers available, CCHS students are responsible for their own fitness.
“We have to hold ourselves accountable for the work we put in since no one is watching us,” Ramirez said.
Spring sport athletes’ seasons have come to a halt, leaving them limited places to perfect their craft.
Having at-home facilities allows athletes to practice without contacting other people.
“It’s impossible to get live game reps because our season is suspended, but I’ve still been able to throw, hit in a batting cage, and lift in my house,” Nalu said.
CCHS students enrolled in weight training receive daily exercises accessible to students through the TeamBuildr app with no equipment required.
“Coach Jeremy Petitte has given us work that we can all complete from our homes,” CCHS student-athlete Jake Cassidy ‘20 said. “My plan has been effective so far, and I can see the results.”
Each student receives a personalized body weight workout designed for their respected sport.
“We also get workout routines and schedules for the sport or goal we want to reach,” Cassidy said.
CCHS students have been given more time to exercise, and it is an opportunity that has been put to use.
“I’ve had a lot of time to utilize the things I’ve been using,” Nalu said. “While it’s not the best situation, it’s best to use this time we have to get work in.”