Boys varsity soccer thundering ahead
The Cathedral Catholic High School boys soccer team scores its first goal of the night during a recent match versus La Jolla.
February 3, 2016
In the frigid late night air with steam rolling off hot, sweaty backs, the Cathedral Catholic High School boys soccer team topped the La Jolla High School Vikings with a final score of 2-0 at Manchester Stadium.
LJHS has posed a major hurdle for CCHS soccer team the last few years. CCHS knew it was heading into a competitive game, but the squad continuously played fundamental soccer throughout the contest.
At one point, the LJHS goalie hugged one side of the cage as CCHS constantly possessed the ball, firing shot after shot on goal that either went over the net or right of the goalie.
Alex Narelli ’17 and Rory Link ’17 worked in tandem to move the ball down the field and divert the defense away from Milo Barton ’16. Link took the ball down to the goal and passed it to Barton. Link yelled “dummy,” signaling for Barton to let the ball roll between his legs and confuse the goalie and defenders. Nick Giacolone ’17 ran up behind Barton, and he kicked the ball into the goal for CCHS’ first goal.
“I was there just in case he needed me,” Giacolone said. “He usually makes those shots so I was surprised he passed it.”
Looking for another goal to cushion its lead, the team set up plays and various strategies to get the perfect shot, but it was unable to find the back of the net.
Before the end of the first half, LJHS received its best opportunity to score, kicking the ball hard toward the upper corner of the goal. CCHS goalkeeper Aidan Cerveny ’19 leaped high into the air to block the ball, barely tipping it out of the way.
In the second half of the game, LJHS and CCHS were by the LJHS goal in a large clump. Both teams jumped and shoved in order to get to the ball first. As the ball flew into the air, CCHS player Travis Schaniel ’17 knocked the ball off the LJHS keeper and into the goal, pushing the score to 2-0.
“Put it in the back of the net and score it for the boys,” Schaniel said.
CCHS kept the ball away from LJHS for the remainder of the game to close out the contest.
The next game will be Wednesday Feb. 3 at Point Loma High School at 3:30 p.m.