Dive team jumps into a successful season
April 30, 2014
Front dives. Back Dives. Front doubles. Inward dives. Back flips with a full twist. Reverse dive and flip. Many might be unfamiliar with the appearance of these dives, so El Cid spoke with one of the CCHS Dive team captains, Brianna Rotherham, to show the readers just what these dives look like. Check out this link!
Co-Captains Brianna Rotherham and Riley Hawblitzel make up two of the eleven members of the CCHS Dive team. All divers are considered varsity athletes; however, at the meets, three divers compete in the varsity competition and three compete in the junior varsity competition. Under the leadership of the two captains, and the team’s coach Kenyan Cooper, the dive team has so far come in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for the girls and 3rd for the boys against Saints/OLP. The team is expecting a difficult meet against Coronado this Wednesday, April 30th at 3:30 p.m. at home.
At the upcoming meets each diver will do six different dives. The three judges will rate each dive on a scale from one to ten, and then multiply the score by the difficulty of the dive to get their final score. Brianna is the team’s lead diver and placed 1st overall at the team’s meet against Saints/OLP.
As captains, Riley and Brianna are in charge of leading stretches before each meet, and making sure everyone is excited before the meet.
When referring to the team’s plans for the season Riley Hawbiltzel said, “Our goals are to do well at cities and at CIF and to win CIF with the swim team.” To make those goals the team is going to work on increasing the difficulty of the dives they are performing.
Besides improving old dives, each diver is trying to learn one new, hard dive to use at meets. Riley, for instance, is specifically trying to get her front double and inward one and a half.
The CCHS dive team, although not the most common team on campus, might just be one of the hardest working. The hours and commitment the divers put into improving their dives will hopefully bring them closer to their season goals.
If you see a member of the diving team, make sure to wish them luck for this Wednesday – their hardest meet of the season so far.