“Lost Girl”: Two Ways
The school of San Dieguito Academy, recently put on the play, Lost Girl, at their home theater. Cathedral also preformed Lost Girl as the first show of the 2022-23 Drama year back in August at the Poway Center of Performing Arts.
Over the last week, San Dieguito Academy (SDA) performed their rendition of “Lost Girl”, which as you may remember, was also the first play performed in the 2022-2023 Cathedral school year.
With the same script, these two schools have created vastly different interpretations of the show.
Both had amazing performances, the script was uniquely interpreted, and a few things stand out.
The shows had a different atmosphere. As a school, Cathedral’s play took place in a large theater, and focused on creating a world unique to “Lost Girl”. The set was clean and minimal, creating room for reflection among audience members.
SDA took a cozy approach and the set was full of props, very inviting and homey. They also had elements of interaction with the audience.
“Lost Girl” was Cathedral’s first time performing at The Poway Center of Performing Arts (PCPA), and the cast enjoyed using the new technology, lighting and sound systems they had access to.
We also see SDA, who made use of their theater’s unique features in their show. I spoke with Mila Ellis ‘24, a student at SDA who plays the role of “A.”
She was particularly excited about how they had, “incredible technical aspects made by our own students. We have amazing lighting and a set that is filled with props that we can interact with.. also the letter scene is pretty cool.” Their letter scene consists of tech students throwing letters on the stage from above.
A great aspect of both schools performing “Lost Girl” is the community it fosters. For example, the cast of SDA’s “Lost Girl” was very enthusiastic to welcome Cathedral’s actors after the show.
They had previously come to see Cathedral’s interpretation of “Lost Girl” in September, and Ellis shares, “part of our cast came and saw CCHS’s production of “Lost Girl”. We really enjoyed seeing a different interpretation of the show.”
Megan Geall ‘24, was an actress in Cathedral’s rendition of “Lost Girl”, and she played the role of “Doctor.”
She shares how she “liked to see the different interpretations of the script, it’s a fairly new play and not a lot has been done before, so it was up to each school to decide what to do with the script.”
Both schools created amazing variations of the play, and were amazing to watch. It’s definitely worth checking out upcoming plays and musicals at both schools!