Cathedral’s Hidden Gem
After the show, from left Grace Naughton ‘25, Yvonne Stenehjem ‘25, Skyla Rose ‘24 and William Scarvie ‘23 meet up together to wrap up the fun night! All four sang throughout the Disney themed cabaret.
On a sleepy Saturday night, Cathedral’s very own theater is filled with a night of song, entertainment, snacks and a good time!
These cabaret shows are a great way to stay involved with all the amazing singers at Cathedral. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, a cabaret show is a collection of singing and acting.
On September 17, 2022, Cathedral’s Disney Cabaret took place in the theater, filled with round tables caringly decorated and a plentiful table of popcorn, candy, and other delicious treats. Ms. Katie Wilson, the drama teacher, does everything strategically planned and held to the highest standards.
Hosted by our very own William Scarvie ‘23 and Yvonne Stenehjem ‘25, it was a fun night to be a part of! Scarvie described his second evening hosting as, “very fun, it felt very loose, and everyone just got to be themself.”
Songs from so many classic Disney movies were sung, with “When Will my Life Begin” from Tangled and “The Other Side” from The Greatest Showman sung as a duet from Grace Naughton ‘25. Naughton describes her favorite part of performing in the cabaret, “Singing with Yvonne, whenever you share a stage with someone, it’s less pressure, and I feel more comfortable singing with them.”
Definitely a fun experience for everyone involved, including parents who get another opportunity to watch their children grow as singers and performers. Natalie Stenehjem, mother to Yvonne Stenehjem, described her time watching as, “definitely great, I love seeing the kids perform!” She is excited for upcoming performances to watch “everyone get up on stage and improve.”
With many more cabaret shows on the horizon, the next one sits on October 29, 2022. The theme is spooky, so prepare for all your favorite scary songs. Make sure to stop by and enjoy the show!