[Opinion] Broadening CCHS’s Media Department
Anna Fazio, yearbook photo editor and Rylee Parker, yearbook social media editor, work on their spreads for the yearbook. Journalism and Yearbook are the closest thing CCHS has to a media communications class.
Cathedral Catholic High School has an approximate of four media related classes: journalism, yearbook, filmmaking, and video production (CCTV). Is that enough? Are Dons interested in pursuing a career in media communications, marketing, public relations, design, etc. prepared to make the step to major in it at college?
CCHS should expand the media department in order for students to be better prepared and interested in their future careers.
Ms. Bascom, CCHS’s dean of counseling and wellness, says, “Our goal is to continue offering more elective opportunities to explore more things before they get to college.”
In order to bring those elective classes onto campus, students have the opportunity to work together with a teacher and bring class ideas to their department chair. The department chair can then bring it up to the academic committee who include the “deans of academics and all departments chairs.”
“Media and communication is definitely another branch we can explore and see how we can bring that onto campus,” said Ms. Bascom.
As a senior myself wanting to major in public relations, I felt I wasn’t offered enough options in my future major to explore as a high schooler. As a stem major you are given engineering classes at CCHS, or as an English major you have many English electives to pick from. However, as a media focused major, you are limited to four courses. Nonetheless, besides forming classes dedicated to media, demonstrated student desire is key in order to make these classes work.
“It takes a lot of conversations and voices but, in my opinion, it’s better to have more voices because you have more ideas,” said Ms. Bascom.
Senior Nicka Ghodes claims she’s “lacking” insight into what marketing is. A class she would propose to the academic committee is an “intro to marketing class.” Having an introductory course, like marketing 101, could help grant insight to students interested in this industry.
Ghodes is planning on majoring in marketing because it’s such a collaborative and creative industry. When asked if broadening the media department at CCHS would be beneficial she responded with, “yeah for sure.”
Senior Amelia Scherer is planning on majoring in graphic communications at Clemson University and agrees with Ghodes that CCHS would benefit from growing this department.
When asked what class she would add to the CCHS’s curriculum, Scherer says, “graphic design and I would’ve definitely taken it.”
Although our existing media classes are outstanding and growing, letting more students know they have those options and even the possibility to grow in those classes would be outstanding. Amelia says “they’re good classes” which could also be “further developed”.
Broadening this department at CCHS could bring wonders of benefits to the student community. As well as introduce and expand a new department for future Dons to benefit from.
“The more we can offer opportunities to students to get involved, the better,” said Ms. Bascom.

Natalia Dominguez is a first year journalism staffer for Cathedral Catholic’s El Cid Online. The bright and talkative senior found interest in journalism...