Bye-bye social media, hello real world
CCHS student Kate Ina ‘17 sketched her stance on social media, but more specifically regarding her recent break up with Twitter.
January 10, 2017
In today’s society, many adolescents and teenagers trade tire swings and bike rides for cell phones and hover boards, often missing life’s precious moments.
This modern-day reality must change.
Cell phones increasingly have become a symbol of social status and material sense wealth, as well as a focal point of our daily lives. As a result, moments surrounded by people with a heartbeat are overshadowed by the power of a screen.
Think about that — a mere technological device controls our thoughts and actions through various social media platforms.
“I think that social media is too time consuming,” Cathedral Catholic High School student Sara Lackey ‘17 said. “It’s easy to get glued to it, and it can be materialistic and unrealistic for teenagers.
“Life is worth so much more than constantly refreshing your Twitter feed.”
To that end, many CCHS students are reverting to the simple life of the 1970s, taking in every moment and living life to the fullest. By giving up their precious social media, students can now adventure without “Snapchatting” every second, purely taking in the beauty of nature and the people around them.
According to Intel Security’s study on cyberbullying, one in three teens feel more accepted online rather than in person.
“I decided to delete my Twitter because of all the drama that was going on,” CCHS student Kate Ina ‘17 said. “Social media is just another way to start something and have it stick with you for life. As a high schooler, people don’t exactly understand what they say over social media.
“So for me, cutting it out of my life will completely help solve that problem and other unnecessary conflicts, whether it be about race or politics.”
Pew Internet states that 92 percent of teens search the Internet daily using mobile devices. In addition, 24 percent are reported to utilize the Internet “almost constantly.”
The world has become a planet focused on the latest tablet and newest software. However, there is more to life than having your head buried in Facebook controversy.
I believe it is time for a lesson from the past.
Although social media has positive attributes, it also makes room for distraction toward the main motive of peace. Amidst a social media frenzy with #BlackLivesMatter and the recent uproar against President-elect Donald J. Trump, I and fellow students have seen recently more negatives than positives.
Not only are trending protests defined by the media, but daily life encounters as well, such as being reminded that you are on a trip. Nevermind the passing waterfalls and volcanoes. Instagram seems to be more eye catching than the God-created earth.
In order to share memories with our children one day, we must cherish every adventure, person and place. Let us put down the phone and simply exist.
“I would suggest at least trying to delete the app off your phone for small periods at a time,” Ina said. “You will be amazed at the simple things in life. My life has changed from having less problems in my life to concentrating on my relationships with people rather than an iPhone.”