Stay stylish in the land of uniformity
Beep! Beep! The alarm clock rings and you can hear the birds chirping outside, signaling a new day. Standing in front of the mirror, you pull on the same boring uniform. Normally, you feel bland in your uniform, but today is different.
You start rummaging through your drawers in search of anything to make your uniform pop, but your school’s dress code leaves you with limited options.
A controversial topic catching the attention of both girls and boys, dress code is a popular subject of conversation at Cathedral Catholic High School.
At CCHS, each student is required to wear a uniform, which consists of khaki pants/shorts or a skirt which may vary from navy blue, gray, or khaki, and a CCHS approved polo. Students can also wear any CCHS approved outerwear.
Although students are all subjected to the same rules, some leeway exists that allows each student’s individual personality to shine through unique clothing pieces including shoes, necklaces, bracelets, and socks.
Today, you will not be bending nor breaking any dress code rules, but you will be staying true to yourself through your style.