It’s that time of year when gyms are clearing out, planners are shelved, and the motivation behind those once-ambitious New Year’s resolutions begins to fade. But it does not have to go this way. We have control over turning our resolutions into results. This can be achieved with the right mindset and strategies. Here are tips to help you stay on track with your goals and make progress.
Often, resolutions fail because they lack specificity. Vague goals like “exercise more” or “read more” sound great but don’t provide direction. Rather, you should set specific goals because they can guide your actions and bring you to real progress.
For example, instead of resolving to “exercise more” or “read more,” commit to “going to the gym four days a week” or “reading 30 minutes daily before bed.” Coming up with specific goals can make them feel more realistic and increase your ability to hold yourself accountable.
Self-compassion is also essential for sticking with resolutions. Instead of criticizing yourself for falling short, think about how you’d encourage a friend to pursue the same goal.
Ani Bryce, the UNC Associate Clinical Research Coordinator for the Pathways to Adolescent Success Study, uses the example that if a friend told you they wanted to exercise more, you’d likely respond, “That’s awesome! I’m so proud of you for setting that goal,” rather than pointing out their past mistakes.
Approaching your personal resolutions with this same kindness can help you focus on progress rather than perfection. New Years’ resolutions are about making improvement and self-compassion makes it easier to learn from setbacks and move forward toward goals.
Getting started, even in small ways, is another critical step. Too often, people are intimidated to tackle their big, challenging resolution.
In reality, the smallest actions can create momentum. Whether it’s setting aside five minutes for journaling or swapping black coffee one day over your usual vanilla latte, these minor adjustments build consistency.
As Cathedral Catholic junior Gabe Gautsch explains, “What has worked best for me is committing to small, daily actions that accumulate to significant achievements over time.”
You must also ensure your goals are realistic. Setting unattainable goals will only lead to frustration. Unrealistic resolutions like “lose 50 pounds in a month” or “become fluent in a new language in six weeks” are likely to be overwhelming and set you up for disappointment.
Instead, aim for a goal that challenges you but is still within reach. For example, start with “reading two books by the end of the month,” then you can see how it goes and decide if you would like to build up from there. Realistic goals will be less intimidating to begin working towards and achievable to accomplish.
Resolutions are all about commitment and progress. With specificity, self-compassion, small steps, and realistic planning, you can transform your New Year’s resolutions into meaningful results.
This year, set at least one resolution and commit to a process that allows you to grow and succeed. It is not too late to start!
Pearl Smith • Jan 29, 2025 at 2:02 PM
I love the focus on how to set you goals into motion, instead of how to set them.