History of Confirmation

Confirmation is one of the Seven Sacraments. It is an opportunity for teenagers to publicly affirm their faith in God.

Confirmation is one of the Seven Sacraments. It is an opportunity for teenagers to publicly affirm their faith in God.

Why you should attend the classes, go on the retreat and get Confirmed.

Confirmation is one of the seven Catholic sacraments and it’s an important rite of passage for teenagers who want to deepen their faith and commitment to the Church. However, going to weekly or monthly classes and a 12-24 hour retreat during the school year doesn’t exactly sound like something many teenagers may think they have time for or want to do. This article is an attempt to change that mindset and explain how Confirmation can be an enriching and meaningful experience.

Confirmation is an opportunity for teenagers to publicly affirm their faith in God and commitment to the Catholic Church. During the confirmation ceremony, confirmation candidates are asked to stand before the bishop and the congregation and declare their faith. One by one, each candidate is anointed on his/her forehead with oil by the Bishop (it smells nice but may not be great for the complexion so be ready for that). Each candidate is accompanied by a sponsor. Usually the sponsor is a family member (i.e. older sibling, cousin, aunt, uncle) or close friend who is a confirmed Catholic. The confirmation ceremony (anointing) typically takes place after the reading of the Gospel during Mass.

The Mass of Confirmation, depending on the length of the homily, takes about one hour to one hour and ten minutes. After Mass, there may be some cake or refreshments in the Church hall and many will then go onto a celebratory lunch or dinner with family. Many will also rush off to athletic games, prom, or other typical Spring time events.

The actual ceremony is not a big time commitment or a big deal so why is it so important and why should teens get confirmed?

Confirmation is a chance for teenagers to deepen their relationship with God and grow spiritually. Through the sacrament, candidates receive the gift of the Holy Spirit which strengthens and empowers them to live a life of faith. Taught in those Confirmation classes, is that the Holy Spirit can provide guidance and wisdom which are very much needed during the somewhat tumultuous teenage years. With the pressures and stress of high school classes, sports, grades, college applications, and more, it is very helpful and reassuring to have the power of the Holy Spirit, prayer and Catholic community and faith to turn to.

Confirmation classes and the retreat also provide education and a time for reflection about the history and teachings of the Church. These classes are opportunities to strengthen one’s understanding of the Catholic Church. There is usually lots of group discussion and sharing of thoughts and ideas amongst peers further strengthening one’s Catholic community.

Additionally, confirmation can provide teenagers with a sense of purpose and direction. Committing to a life of faith and service, gives a clear sense of values and priorities. This helps with making important decisions and navigating the challenges of being a teenager.

Different Catholic parishes offer different confirmation programs. At St. Therese parish in Carmel Valley, the program is two years with classes on Sunday nights and includes dinner. There are no classes during the Summer and the second year ends in April with confirmation Mass.

At Nativity parish in RSF, in addition to a two year program, if the candidate is a student at a Catholic High School, there is an abbreviated or accelerated program consisting of 5 classes and a one day retreat.

In conclusion, the Catholic sacrament of confirmation can be a meaningful and enriching experience for teenagers. Through the sacrament, candidates can publicly affirm their faith, deepen their relationship with God, and become a part of a supportive and inclusive community. Confirmation can provide teenagers with a sense of purpose and direction. With the Holy Spirit and relationship with God and power of prayer, teenagers can confidently tackle the challenges of our world.